Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Santa Flies to Lyncrest 2014 direct from the North Pole

Santa dropped in to double check his naughty n nice list, and have some hot chocolate with some awesome folks of all ages on Dec 6 2014!!

Special thank you to:
a.  George Inman - decorated the tree;
b. Bob Hamel - looked after the fireplace and hot chocolate and helped create the magic;
c. Tom Stoyka - kept Santa's aircraft warm and ready for a speedy departure;
d. Photographers Ernie and Jay Ladouceur;
e. Sandy Dubrow, Daphne Bradbury, Lindsay Kitson and Bert Elam - shared their passion for Christmas to create this most special event; and
f. All the families who attended...

Plus a most special thank you to Elf, Santa Helpers, and Santa for fitting in this trip to Lyncrest Airport!!!

More photos are posted at www.facebook.com/womenflymanitoba - be sure to 'like' or 'share' and we look forward to receiving your comments by Facebook or email jill.oakes@umanitoba.ca.

Feel free to copy any of the following photos.
1. If you would like higher resolution files to print off - email jill.oakes@umanitoba.ca.
2. If you'd like professional photographer Jay Ladouceur to create your photo into a card  and print it off on professional paper, place your order through the following web site = http://www.imagesbyjjlad.com/p200183904/h763E56A#h763e56a

Tony Zerucha, The Clipper - was there when Santa landed! Click on the followinig for the full story: http://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/launch.aspx?pbid=53436379-8ac4-4a27-9864-0e02515843ea

Merry Christmas :)

